pewrocyspe Admin replied

293 weeks ago

Malayalam Movie Download The Phantom

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a5c7b9f00b Law student Chris Moore is an urban daredevil who gets his kicks from racing across rooftops. When a secret organization approaches him with proof that he is actually the son of a legendary international crimefighter called The Phantom, he is thrust into a world he never knew existed - a world of exotic islands, secret lairs and a heritage that borders on royalty. Reimagined and reloaded, the classic superhero is upgraded for the 21st century with a new, state-of-the-art costume and a newly formed rivalry against some of the most techno-savvy villains to ever terrorize the world! It's explosive action and nonstop adventure from start to finish as The Phantom comes to life.
Honestly I wasn&#39;t expecting much, syfy has kind of earned a reputation for making movies your supposed to laugh at. I had my reservations about this, especially because its picks up (and gives a nod) to the &#39;96 movie ending. I was utterly surprised at what i got.<br/><br/>A 4 hour movie that was like the pilot of a show (which is possibly might be i hope). Romance, action, adventure, cool scenery, and the best part? It didn&#39;t have any needless explosions (i.e. cars and whatever else movie directors try to blow up for kicks).<br/><br/>The romance angle is pretty sweet,I felt their connection immediately, and while stretched with how quickly they fell for each other, it is still in the realm of reasonable doubt. The two actors have good chemistry and it definitely shows. It was sweet enough that it didn&#39;t make me miss Billy Zane and his romantic interest.<br/><br/>About the plot: its rather predictable. We all knew it would be, no surprise there. What i was surprised at were the few twists, turns, and angles the movie offered. It was almost refreshing and definitely enough to keep me entertained and have my jaw drop at the end.<br/><br/>Isabella Rosselini (which syfy apparently owns for 2-4 hr movies) is rather under-appreciated in this film, Its not her strongest character but i can forgive her because….well its Isabella.<br/><br/>While on the long side, its still kept my interest. There was enough of an ending that i felt i could leave it and be content (unlike most syfy and Disney channel movies). There was a purpose to it. But there were also a few questions left hanging, just in case it does get turned into a show, which i hope it will.<br/><br/>All in all i&#39;d say this is Syfy&#39;s best film by far. I definitely will watch it again when it comes on and hope to see a running show soon!
This 2009 reinvention of the old comic book hero was a boring snoozefest that was dragging on and on forever without actually going anywhere. Running for 2 hours and 49 minutes surprisingly little happened throughout the course of the entire movie.<br/><br/>Director Paolo Barzman didn&#39;t do the comic book any justice with this flaccid reinvention. Everything in this 2009 version strayed far, far too much away from the original concept. And I will go as far as saying that the 1996 movie with Billy Zane was so much more fulfilling in comparison.<br/><br/>The costumes were alright, but the feel of the original phantom was lost on the appearance of the phantom in the 2009 version, because it was just a bit over-done.<br/><br/>The acting in the movie was alright, but it wasn&#39;t nowhere near enough to raise the level of the movie. It was Sandrine Holt who was carrying the movie, even though she wasn&#39;t the main character.<br/><br/>For an action movie, then &quot;The Phantom&quot; was just a bit too mediocre and mundane, a feat which makes it drown in the action genre, because there are far, far better movies available.<br/><br/>This was 2 hour and 49 minutes that I will never get back.

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